پزشکی عمومی

Vitamin D and VDR gene polymorphism (FokI)(Taq1) inepithelial ovarian cancer in North of Iran

Vitamin D and VDR gene polymorphism (FokI)(Taq1) inepithelial ovarian cancer in North of Iran

Vitamin D and VDR gene polymorphism (FokI)(Taq1) inepithelial ovarian cancer in North of Iran

نوع فایل:PDFتعداد صفحات :6
سال انتشار : 1395
Vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphism, FokI,Taq1 are reported to increase the risk of many cancers. Role of vitamin D and its receptor polymorphisms in ovarian cancer has not been clearly defined.Objective: To study the levels of serum vitamin D and occurrence of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism (FokI,Taq1) in cases of ovarian cancer.Material and methods: FokI,Taq1 genotyping were done by PCR-RFLP technique and vitamin D levels were estimated by chemiluminescence immunoassay.Results: Serum vitamin D levels were significantly (p < 0.03) lower in ovarian cancer cases as compared to controls.The homozygous (TT) and heterozygous (CT) genotype predispose to the…

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