Effects of chemical mutation EMS and radiation UV-C on morphological & phenotypic characteristics of the Coriander (Corianderum Sativum L.)
Effects of chemical mutation EMS and radiation UV-C on morphological & phenotypic characteristics of the Coriander (Corianderum Sativum L.)
نوع فایل:PDFتعداد صفحات :7
سال انتشار : 1395
In order to examine the effect of EMS chemical mutation and UV-C ray ON 18 morphological properties of coriander it was examined in generation M2. During 8 hours, the growing seeds were treated with EMS with 4% concentration and then the grown plants were exposed to UV-C ray. Results in generation M1 (the first year) and M2 (the second year) and analyzed by the statistical method SPSS and excel 2007 and compared with the control plants. This research results indicate that the effect of EMS and UV-C treatment causes to reduce plant height, number of seed in each seedling, increasing flower diameter etc. extremely. This research aims to crate mutation in the coriander and achieve to a cultivar resistant…